GnuCashew ~ GnuCash Enabled Web
Bug List
Member GCW::Eng::AccountRegisterModel::refreshFromDisk () -> void

may not need to store GCW_NUMERIC on the AccountRegisterModel items. it is redundant and we're not using the values and updates from the delegates don't update these values.

Needs work this is modified a bit to allow for a default account def. this is necessary since it is possible to ask for an account register that is not (yet) associated to an account... this can happen in the BillPay module when setting up a new account for bill-pay functions. (kind of sloppy doing it here) The first item at(0) represents the default-register settings, suitable for any register view.

Member GCW::Gui::AccountRegister::on_delete_triggered () -> void
the logic here is not correct