GnuCashew ~ GnuCash Enabled Web
This is the complete list of members for GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item, including all inherited members.
BaseItem() | GCW::Dbo::BaseItem< Item > | inline |
Collection typedef | GCW::Dbo::BaseItem< Item > | |
guid() const -> const std::string & | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | inline |
Item() | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | inline |
Item(const std::string &_guid) | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | inline |
m_cutoff | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_description | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_discount_denom | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_discount_num | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_discountdays | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_duedays | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_guid | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_invisible | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_name | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_parent | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_refcount | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
m_type | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | private |
persist(Action &action) -> void | GCW::Dbo::BillTerms::Item | inline |
Ptr typedef | GCW::Dbo::BaseItem< Item > | |
Vector typedef | GCW::Dbo::BaseItem< Item > |