3 ** root document container
4 ** background-color: ghostwhite;
5 ** background-color: whitesmoke;
6 ** background-color: floralwhite;
13 background-color: azure;
18 /* font-size:smaller; */
22 ** Background and big fat line on the
23 ** bottom border of the header
28 background-color: #96b183;
29 border-bottom:2px solid black;
33 ** Negative values are red
40 background-color:gold !important;
44 ** Error values are super-red
51 background-color:#ff000082 !important;
55 .AccountRegister input
61 /* Account elipsis '...' on the left */
72 /* read-only selected row */
75 .Wt-tv-contents.Wt-striped
80 background-color:#ffff7e !important;
83 /* Alternating Row Colors */
86 .Wt-tv-contents.Wt-striped
87 div.Wt-tv-c:nth-child(2n)
89 background-color:#ffcb0024;
94 .Wt-tv-contents.Wt-striped
95 div.Wt-tv-c:nth-child(2n+1)
97 background-color:#1c861333;
100 /* Thin black line underneath each row */
106 border-bottom: 1px solid black;
109 /* Thin black line on the left */
115 border-left: 1px solid black;
118 /* Selected Editor Widget padding/margin (the div right before the editor) */
122 div.Wt-tv-c.selectable
128 /* Selected Editor Widget background highlight (the editor) */
132 div.Wt-tv-c.selectable
135 background-color:yellow;
141 background-color:#ffbf0047;
142 border: 1px solid black;
149 background-color:#ffbf0047;
150 border: 1px solid black;
154 ** Selected 'month' columns are highlighted
155 ** important overrides the alternating row colors
159 background-color:#1aeaff !important;
163 .billpay.unpaid.Wt-tableview .Wt-header
165 background-color:#ffb6c194;
168 .billpay.paid.Wt-tableview .Wt-header
170 background-color:#90ee909e;
173 .billpay.disabled.Wt-tableview .Wt-header
175 background-color:lightgray;
181 justify-content: space-around;
182 align-items: flex-start;
189 border-collapse: collapse;